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Why: Health Care Is Changing

The rapidly changing health care environment is a concern to many health care providers. New regulations, crisis management, cybersecurity and reimbursement are just a few of the many factors contributing to the ever-shifting health care landscape. Some of these trends and challenges bring about risks as well as opportunities for patients, hospitals and the medical technology industry alike.

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Megatrends in Health Care

All areas of both the patient pathway and health care management have been, or are being, digitized. Encompassing aspects such as education, disease diagnosis and management, training, HCP (Health Care Professionals) collaboration and management of appointments, digitalization brings many benefits, but also some considerations such as data security.

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The concept of value-based healthcare (VBHC) has become widely accepted to increase patient health and satisfaction with care, while helping to control and reduce costs. Implementing VBHC is not without its challenges, but the COVID-19 crisis has given additional momentum to this approach to healthcare provision.

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Considering the patient’s as a “customer” is designed to improve the overall result of healthcare provision from both the patient and healthcare provider’s perspective. Patients benefit from increased communication and greater engagement in their preventative care; providers, working with reliable suppliers, can offer a better focus on service delivery.

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Modern healthcare budgets are impacted by many factors including the fast pace of developments in healthcare provision, increasing patient expectations, and economic influences. Consolidation offers healthcare managers the opportunity to reduce expenditure and increase budget efficiency. At a regional level this has seen the merging of administrative functions of local and regional hospitals, and there is an increasing drive to “benchmark” performance against other providers.

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The internationalization of healthcare continues to become more widespread. As hospitals explore new sources of revenue and patients cross borders to seek medical treatment, cooperation between healthcare teams is key. Internationalization offers opportunities to expand patient treatments and standards but also involves risk in terms of personnel and services that may move overseas.

Health Care Provider Challenges

COVID-19 has had an unprecedented effect on the provision of healthcare services, with staff, budget and facilities all being directed toward managing the crisis. As such, healthcare managers are struggling to provide “normal” healthcare services against a backdrop of reduced state investment in public health systems, low insurance fees, higher demand for services with a backlog of elective procedures, and the increasing costs of equipment, consumables and services.

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Innovations in the digitalization of healthcare and medical treatments and the reengineering of patient pathways are going to be key factors in the drive for more efficient healthcare systems. They are also vital when it comes to increasing the hospital’s reputation and protecting the employer’s attractiveness. New state-of-the-art and disruptive technologies may thus help to provide an edge over other hospital organizations.

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As one of the largest producers of greenhouse gases, the healthcare sector is one of those most affected by continuous changes to sustainability regulations and guidelines. By working closely together with healthcare providers, as well as government and regulatory agencies, suppliers can help navigate the complexities of new and changing sustainability regulations.

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With ever-increasing pressures on healthcare budgets further exacerbated by the COVID-19 crisis, cost management is more important than ever. Healthcare providers face a balancing act to provide optimal care at acceptable costs, while navigating the complexities and challenges of reimbursement. Successful industry/healthcare partnerships can help healthcare organizations optimize reimbursement decision-making processes to benefit budgets, as well as patient outcomes.

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As life in general moves more and more online, cybersecurity becomes an ever-increasing consideration. In the healthcare environment, this issue is intensified by the requirement for absolute protection of patient and personal data, and the need to ensure hospitals run as smoothly as possible. As digitalization increases throughout the healthcare environment, leading to enhanced efficiencies, so too must the efforts to ensure data and processes are secure.

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What: Your Needs Matter

Let’s master the challenges together — in these turbulent times, we understand that your needs are mainly related to four dimensions: ECONOMICS, EFFICIENCY, SAFETY and REPUTATION. While these may be closely linked to one another, they also hold significant value within themselves. We focus our partnership on helping you to enhance the area most important to you.

Four Dimensions of Value

Cost and Cash Flow Management

Effective cost and cash flow management is one of the main driving forces behind any organization’s success, where hospitals must keep their expenditures low. Olympus is committed to delivering value, matching the various economic needs of your organization. Be it by

▪ Reducing opportunity costs.
▪ Diversifying investment risk.
▪ Or simply building cost advantages.

Process and Workflow Management

Hospital operations need to be flexible and agile these days. It is important to understand the digitized environment, and to adapt to new ways of working, in order to ensure continuous workflow optimization. We help you to minimize operational gaps and enhance your resource allocation, to benefit from a more efficient process and workflow management:

▪ Hardware efficiencies through cross-compatibilities.
▪ Increased procedural efficiencies.
▪ Enhanced communication flow between hospitals and patients.

Patient and Staff Well-Being

Olympus focuses on improving the quality of patient care every day through developing and designing world-leading, clinically advanced precision technologies and services. The well-being of employees has also become more important over the last few years. We make safety an absolute priority by:

▪ Delivering training in many different formats.
▪ Enhancing staff confidence to improve patient outcomes.
▪ Helping your organization to become the optimal choice of treatment and technology for every patient.

Attractiveness and Competitiveness

The competitive landscape for hospitals is constantly evolving, bringing about the need to remain attractive to patients and staff alike. We are committed to the patient experience via enhanced communication, education and management of our systems and services. Continued state-of-the-art innovation allows us to support dedicated and optimized patient care today and in the future:

▪ Cutting-edge products and the integration of AI.
▪ Easier handling of our systems.
▪ Helping your talent to grow through our training courses.

How: The Journey Starts Here

At Olympus we focus on improving patient care quality every day. As a reliable partner with strong core values, we do this through our leading innovative technologies and services, through business knowledge, our global leadership in medical endoscopy, the comprehensive service offers and wide-ranging Medical Expert Training (MET).

This basis enables us to continuously explore new terrain and develop solutions with you as partners, where no peak is too far.

Examples of How We Create Value Together

EVIS X1 — Let’s Be Clear: Elevating the Standard of Endoscopy​

  • Improved visibility may enhance endoscopic outcomes.
  • Backward compatible with the current Olympus portfolio​.
  • LED technology reduces exchange of light bulbs.

Use What You Need: A Contract That Enables Flexible Partnerships​

  • Full cost transparency​.
  • Procedure-/usage-based or flat rate payments​.
  • Use of asset over contract period​.

MedPresence - Securely Connecting Teams Virtually, Leading to Increased Clinical Efficiency​

  • Efficient problem solving and increased productivity.
  • End-to-End security and secure data storage*.
  • Optimized infection control by limiting physical OR attendance1

* Includes encryption of MedPresence video streams (AES 256 encryption) and secure storage of MedPresence collaborators’ data.​

DES — Enhancing Patient Education and Management from Referral to Post-procedure​

  • Complete digitization of patient pathway​.
  • For referral, pre-assessment, PROMs* and follow-up.​
  • COVID-19 symptom checker and patient support​.

*Patient Reported Outcome Measures